Steele Investigations, LLC
Client Information Intake Form
Date: ________ Time: ________
Client Name:
First: __________________Middle: _____________Last:_________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: __________ Zip: _________________
Phone no: W-______________________ H-___________________________
Email address: __________________________________________________
Preferred Method of contact? Phone/ Email / In Person / Mail
Are you an Attorney: Y/N If no are you represented by an attorney? Y/N
If yes who is the attorney with contact information:
Firm name: ____________________________________________________
Attorney’s name: __________________________ Phone No: ____________
Address: ______________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: ____________ Zip: ______________
What are you requesting of Steele Investigations (Be specific):
What are you requesting of Steele Investigations (cont):
What are you expectations of Steele Investigations (Be specific):
What is your preferred method of receiving reports?
Formal written report emailed/ By phone/ Informal email / In person
Do the results of our investigation need to be admissible in a court of law? Y/N
If so in what format will it need to be in to be considered admissible as evidence?
Have you received, read and understand Steele Investigations, LLC Advisory form: Y/N
Client: ____________________________, Signature: __________________________ Date:___/___/___
Agent: ____________________________, Signature:__________________________ Date:___/___/___
Client Name:
First: __________________Middle: _____________Last:_________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: __________ Zip: _________________
Phone no: W-______________________ H-___________________________
Email address: __________________________________________________
Preferred Method of contact? Phone/ Email / In Person / Mail
Are you an Attorney: Y/N If no are you represented by an attorney? Y/N
If yes who is the attorney with contact information:
Firm name: ____________________________________________________
Attorney’s name: __________________________ Phone No: ____________
Address: ______________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: ____________ Zip: ______________
What are you requesting of Steele Investigations (Be specific):
What are you requesting of Steele Investigations (cont):
What are you expectations of Steele Investigations (Be specific):
What is your preferred method of receiving reports?
Formal written report emailed/ By phone/ Informal email / In person
Do the results of our investigation need to be admissible in a court of law? Y/N
If so in what format will it need to be in to be considered admissible as evidence?
Have you received, read and understand Steele Investigations, LLC Advisory form: Y/N
Client: ____________________________, Signature: __________________________ Date:___/___/___
Agent: ____________________________, Signature:__________________________ Date:___/___/___